Care Packages Have Been Sent

Upon hearing the news of the referral for our two daughters, we proceeded to gather items together to send them each a care package–perfect to be received right before Christmas!
We sent the packages with a family who is traveling to Ghana and are hoping so much that they will actually be able to deliver them personally and get a few snapshots for us.

Here’s a picture of the packages ready to go:

Included in each are:

  • a photo album of us and our home
  • headbands
  • band aids
  • pencils and pens
  • crayons
  • a cute notebook with lined paper
  • stickers
  • embroidery thread

In the notebook I wrote each girl a simple letter letting them know how excited we are to welcome them into our family and how much we love them.

I also put together a bag of goodies for the other children in the orphanage that included

  • crayons
  • small legal pads
  • LOTS of embroidery thread
  • two decks of playing cards
  • lots of pens and pencils

Because we want them to know they are special and loved, too. Most of the children in this orphanage are teenagers and may never have a chance at being adopted into a forever family.

It’s so amazing to see a glimpse of what God does because it compels me to act. I just can’t look at the faces of these children and not be changed or moved to action.

The other night I was laying in bed and the faces of our new daughters flashed in my mind and I thought, “Wow, I really miss them”. But wait? How can I miss someone I’ve never even met?!

I don’t even understand it fully! The only explanation there is is God planting and rooting love for His people in my heart. I know my heart longs for them to be with us and have a family they can belong to. It won’t be as easy as just “plugging” them into our family and moving on with life. They may not know affection or they may crave it constantly. They won’t be familiar with our culture or climate. The transition may even cause some sickness as their bodies adjust.

The life they lived before they come here will not be forgotten and cannot be removed–but God can use it to shape their future. We are preparing not for a year or two of transition, but for a lifelong one. Though we walk the road of uncertainty, we grab God’s hand and let Him lead us, by faith.

Would you pray for the process and our hearts to be prepared? We desperately need people who will pray for us. To pray for things we may not think of and to pray for us when we are too weak to stand or too tired to battle. Adoption is beautiful, but Satan hates it.

Thank you for your ongoing support. It means more to me than I could ever express.